Using NovikStone To Modernize a Home
The look of Dry Stack Stone can add a refined and sophisticated element to the appearance of a home. It’s simple yet elegant appearance adds warmth to sleek, modern designs and is right at home in the mixed materials movement that is now prevalent in residential design. With NovikStone DS – Dry Stack Stone, you can create an interesting and contemporary look, use it as an accent, layering complementary finishes.
Look and feel of stone
NovikStone DS – Dry Stack Stone is created using real stone as a template. This attention to details ensures we can deliver an alternative that looks like the real thing. The textures and color variations create authenticity while offering long lasting beauty and durability.
Perfect for ground contact
NovikStone products feature a systematic installation process for installers and practically eliminates the upkeep required by natural materials. Its ability to stand up to moisture, heat, cold, sun and wind, in addition to pest and insect damage, makes it an outstanding choice. NoviKStone is perfect for ground contact, and a complements any other type of cladding.
Other applications
NovikStone DS - Dry Stack Stone can also be added to a wall, porch or portico to add visual interest. Use color to complete the look, from darker shades that can deliver a dramatic look to lighter ones that create a bright, attractive feel. When choosing colors, a monochromatic design with varying color values gives a more modern feel, for example using several shades of the same color such as dark, medium and light gray.
With its stunning colors and textures, the NovikStone DS - Dry Stack Stone was designed to offer attainable luxury to every homeowner.
Features of the NovikStone DS include:
• Lightweight yet rigid material
• Quick and easy to install
• Installs with traditional tools
• Resistant to warping, expansion, contraction and cracking
• Impervious to moisture - perfect for ground contact
NovikStone DS - Dry Stack Stone is available in a wide range of color choices. It offers multiple stone colors on each panel, including subtle variations of tone. The results are products that not only look real, but feel real as well.

NovikStone requires little to no upkeep, freeing you to focus on what really makes a house a home – your family.

NovikStone DS- Dry Stack Stone is available in: Beige Granite, Basalt, Brownstone, Anthracite, Travertine, Limestone, Lava, Flint

To find out more about NovikStone and other products from Novik, check out the Shake & Stone section of our website. Click Here